The Respectful Divorce Podcast Features Illinois Attorney Patrick Markey

Patrick Markey was recently a guest on The Respectful Divorce podcast highlighting Collaborative Divorce and Divorce With Respect Week®.  Markey is a Chicago divorce attorney and president of Collaborative Divorce Illinois.

“What I hear when I talk to someone about divorce is that they just don’t know how to get started,” said Markey. “Most people don’t know that there are different and better options for divorce like Collaborative Divorce. Divorce With Respect Week is an opportunity to talk with a divorce professional for free and learn more about their options for divorce.”

Divorce With Respect Week® is March 3-9, 2025 and is designed to educate couples about options for how to keep their divorce out of court.

“In a Collaborative Divorce, everyone signs an agreement that they won’t go to court to litigate the case and that’s what makes Collaborative Divorce different,” said Markey.  “Instead they work together to resolve the issues in their divorce case in a private setting with the help of divorce professionals including divorce coaches, financial professionals and their collaboratively trained attorneys.

Patrick Markey focuses his practice on family law and helps his clients to minimize the destruction that can come from a divorce. He is a strong advocate for the Collaborative Divorce process and mediation. To learn more about Markey and the services he offers at

To listen to this episode of The Respectful Divorce Podcast, go to

During Divorce With Respect Week® Collaborative Divorce professionals in Illinois will offer 30 minute consultations for free.  Anyone interested in speaking for free with a divorce attorney, divorce financial professional, divorce coach or mental health professional can visit