The divorce rate in the U.S. is high and in a large percentage of cases we see at The Law Offices of Patrick Markey, P.C., one spouse wants a divorce and the other on does not. We are just as likely to represent the person who does not want the divorce as we are to represent the one who does want it.
When One Spouse Does Not Want a Divorce
We may speak to a spouse who has been thinking about the divorce for a long time. Weeks, months, maybe even years, but their spouse has no idea that the idea of a divorce is even on the table. We tell the one who wants the divorce to be patient. The other spouse needs time to process the divorce request.
The spouse who does not want the divorce goes through a grieving process, almost the same as if their spouse had died. In fact, psychiatrists have determined that divorce is the second most stressful life event. The only event more stressful is the death of a spouse.
The spouse that does not want the divorce will likely need to go through all the stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression) until they get to the acceptance stage. This can take a long time. The Collaborative Divorce process is even more advantageous in these circumstances.
The Collaborative Divorce Process Can Help the Spouses Work Through Their Issues and Go Through the Grieving Process
When someone considering a divorce contacts our office, we send them a PDF with a lot of information about the Collaborative Divorce process along with the Uniform Collaborative Participation Agreement which explains collaborative divorce in detail. This information provides a non-threatening way to discuss divorce. We urge the client to share the information with their spouse.
If their spouse agrees to the collaborative process, there will often be a mental health professional as part of the team who can help the spouse who does not want the divorce to go through the grieving process. It also provides a way for the grieving spouse to have questions answered, have more awareness about what happened, and be ready to move on with their own life.
If you are considering divorce, and are unsure if you want to proceed, or know you want to proceed, but your spouse does not, contact The Law Offices of Patrick Markey, P.C. for a consultation. We are compassionate and committed to providing you with the personalized attention you deserve.